Mash Note

No Takebacks.


Wanda knows what it means when she harbors unexpressed feelings for her best friend Janice. Talking to each other about their problems, hanging out, watching movies—these day-to- day intimacies grow until Wanda has to let her feelings out, and so she writes a love letter and slips it under Janice’s door. Almost immediately she regrets the action and schemes up ways to get the letter back before Janice reads it and changes their friendship forever.

YEAR      2019

RUN TIME      12:15 Min

EMAIL     Website: 


DIRECTED BY      Justin Brown

SCREENPLAY BY      Justin Brown

PRODUCED BY      Justin Brown, William Redwine

DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY      Alexandria Douglas

EDITED BY      Justin Brown

MUSIC BY      Dmytro Nebesh

PRINCIPAL CAST      Dominique Hinde | Elisa C. Taylor | Justin Brown


Feelings. We all catch them at one point or another. But how we deal with them differs immensely. This movie is an exploration of the lengths we’ll go to either to express our feelings or keep them buried. At one point or another I’m sure each of us has been in the shoes of one of the characters in this story. I know I have, and it’s my hope that you see a bit of yourself in this film and reflect on the part your last bout with feelings played in your life.


Justin R. Brown is a writer, director, editor, and sometimes actor. He has a background in the world of media and independent production, working in various roles with iMichigan Productions and the Peaceful Warriors Foundation. Justin has a passion for all things creative and enjoys learning new things. He holds a BA in communications and MA in liberal studies from the University of Michigan– Flint and an MFA in filmmaking from the Maryland Institute College of Art.






Justin R. Brown is a writer, director, editor, and sometimes actor. He has a background in the world of media and independent production, working in various roles with iMichigan Productions and the Peaceful Warriors Foundation. Justin has a passion for all things creative and enjoys learning new things. He holds a BA in communications and MA in liberal studies from the University of Michigan– Flint and an MFA in filmmaking from the Maryland Institute College of Art.

(Update provided in May 2019)