Fog of War

Is vanity only skin deep?


Rachel has just been dumped by her boyfriend over IG message, causing her to fall into a deep depression that develops into a drinking problem. She later starts to notice red, patchy scabs on her face that she tries to hide with makeup. As the rash continues to spread over her body, she goes from doctor to doctor trying to get a diagnosis. Finally, she discovers that she has psoriasis and that her treatment options are limited. This triggers her to confront her fear of needles and her repressed memories of her abusive relationship before finally clearing her skin.

YEAR      2023

RUN TIME      5:20 Min

EMAIL        Website: YouTube Channel


DIRECTOR  Rachel Hawkins

PRODUCER  Rachel Hawkins

EDITOR  Rachel Hawkins




As someone who struggles with their mental and physical health, I wanted to make a film that would not only inform those who are unfamiliar with what living with Psoriasis is like, but also comfort others that struggle with similar issues that they are not alone. As an experimental filmmaker, it is important to me to be able to share my story in a thoughtful, unconventional manner. Fog of War conveys this notion through the use of symbolic, surrealist imagery and sound design that illustrates my battle with depression, self image, and repressed memories/PTSD.

Aesthetically, the film is composed mainly of surrealist imagery and the recurring motif of reflections of water. While making this film, it was important to me to rely on images, rather than dialogue, to tell the story. I believe this creates a more “pure” cinematic experience. Fog of War’s use of Found Footage helps the film convey less specific ideas, and instead instills primary emotions and ideas. Using footage from other sources outside of my own also helps me personally to disconnect/disassociate with the actual events that the film is based on.

It is also a vital part of my art practice to keep up-to-date with contemporary pop culture, and social media is often incorporated into my work. In Fog of War, the main character struggles with body image issues that are often triggered by scrolling through social media.

Farewell My Son Poster


Rachel Hawkins is a second-year MFA Filmmaking student that specializes in sound design, video editing, visual effects, and color grading. She is also a graduate of Towson University, where she enjoyed collaborating with her peers on projects in experimental film, aesthetics, film theory, and female identity and sexuality.

Prior to studying film, Rachel worked as a freelance audio engineer after graduating from The Sheffield Institute for the Recording Arts (SIRA) Audio Works program. She still continues to work in live sound at various venues including Harford Community College (HCC), where she holds an Associates Degree in Mass Communications.

Rachel now hopes to inspire other young artists through her knowledge, expertise, and her own art practice as she aspires to become a professor in Film/Media Studies.






Currently under 2-year embargo (2025)


Rachel Hawkins is a second-year MFA Filmmaking student that specializes in sound design, video editing, visual effects, and color grading. She is also a graduate of Towson University, where she enjoyed collaborating with her peers on projects in experimental film, aesthetics, film theory, and female identity and sexuality.

Prior to studying film, Rachel worked as a freelance audio engineer after graduating from The Sheffield Institute for the Recording Arts (SIRA) Audio Works program. She still continues to work in live sound at various venues including Harford Community College (HCC), where she holds an Associates Degree in Mass Communications.

Rachel now hopes to inspire other young artists through her knowledge, expertise, and her own art practice as she aspires to become a professor in Film/Media Studies.

(Update provided in May 2023)